Another Day...Another Dollar (or Six Dollars in Our Case)
Today we went garage sale-ing...which is one of my favorite pasttimes. I was looking for lampshades and a sewing machine and Fred was looking for power tools. I also hoped to find some books and puzzles for the girls. At our first garage sale, we were able to get a bag full of new earrings (over 10 pairs), 2 puzzles (100 piece and 500 piece), a 3D puzzle of the White House that had a $20 price tag and hadn't been opened and an old picture frame for $3. Our next garage sale was even better. We got a Lexmark printer/copier/scanner and a 9 books (Nancy Drew and Baby-Sitters Club) for $3! The printer was in it's original box and doesn't look like it's ever been used! We were able to take the other printer back to Wal-Mart today for a refund. I love getting good deals like this! I can't wait to try out my new printer.
I have a list of things that I am looking for this summer and a price limit in mind for each. It doesn't do you any good to buy a bunch of random things that you don't need. Our cottage is extremely small and I need to be getting rid of stuff, not adding to the clutter. With that being said, I still need a few pieces of furniture, some bedding, some decorative stuff, a sewing machine and a few lamps and lampshades. I'd also like to get a few more puzzles, books, and board games for the girls. Although I usually get books from the library, it's nice to have a selection of books around here that the girls can take with them to the pool or the park without worrying about them getting lost or rained on.
I hope you are taking advantage of your area garage sales. It's a great way to spend a morning or afternoon and it's a great way to stretch your dollars! I usually check Craigslist or the paper to find local sales that have what I'm looking for and then I head off in that direction. I'd love to hear what great things you've found lately!