Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Saving Money Series

I've decided to do a weekly series on Saving Money. People regularly ask me how I get such great deals and other things about my budget and I've decided I'm going to start a regular "Saving Money" series to answer these questions. If you have something you've wondered about saving money, cutting back on your grocery bill, how to eat out for less, or any other saving money topic, please leave a comment! If I don't know the answer (and chances are good that I won't :-) I'll find someone who knows more about the subject and I'll ask them to do a guest post!) I'm going to start with how to save money on grocery shopping because chances are, everyone could use some help in this area. Also, if you have something you'd like to contribute, please leave a comment or send me an email at saving money living better at gmail dot com (In order to keep spammers away, I have to post my email address like this! Take out the spaces and replace the "at" and "dot" with the appropriate characters.)


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